Services offered


Online seminars and lectures on topics like, Entrepreneurship- A key to success? and 10 commandments of Business & Marketing for Entrepreneurs


Guidance on identifying your dream business, developing your business model, pre-investment analysis, risk mitigation, diagnostic studies, and problem solving.


Guidance and support while you establish your business. This will include providing advisory and mentoring services to the CEO and other senior executives on day-to-day operations.

Past & Current professional associations with…

I am also currently involved in consulting a few SME clients.

Here is my book on Entrepreneurship!

It has always been my ambition to be an author. I have been working on this book for over a year now. In association with the publishers at NotionPress, it has launched now!

Follow me on YouTube

With my new channel on Youtube, I am trying to reach out to youngsters with business tips and advice. Make sure to check out a few videos and subscribe!

The man who refuses to give up!

A heart-to-heart conversation with Kapil Tandon

Business consultant, educator, and mentor Kapil Tandon talks about his life experiences, and what keeps him going strong at 72 years in this interview…

What People Have To Say

My mission with this platform

“Since a long time, I have been dreaming about touching the lives of 1 lakh students and young entrepreneurs! The other day I figured I have already cast an influence over the lives of 15000+ young persons… I hope to leave no stone unturned to keep multiplying this number!”

Read my blog


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